Preparing for College: Part 1: Needles


This week I had to get the Mantoux TB test where they inject some substance (that burns once injected into the skin) into my left arm. Once that is done you can not get that area wet for 48-72 hours until you go back to have the results read. If it bubbles up in a blister it might be positive, but they have to measure  it, and I guess if it is a certain size it can still be negative, but even if it does not bubble up in a blister you have to go back, thankfully it was negative. I knew it would be but sometimes you never know, it could have been positive, or even a false positive.

And because I hate needles, it took longer than it would have if I just sat down and got it over and done with. First I asked about whether it would hurt or not, then the nurse seeing all the marks on my left arm from pinching myself so I could try and prepare myself for how sore it would be, then I asked if I could get a numbing patch which they sometimes use for blood tests, then being informed that it takes an hour for it to work. So I had to go ask my mom if she minded waiting an hour for it to work…thankfully another nurse came and offered to hold my hand (I know, I know,  I’m not a little girl anymore, but when it comes to needles sometimes it  does help to have someone hold my hand even though I am 18), my mom did not come in with me because she was afraid that she would make me even more nervous. And just as I had just calmed down, it turned out the syringe was to big.  so while the nurse tried to get the substance into a smaller syringe I became nervous  all over again. Once  it was all over and done with, I felt like a complete idiot, I had made a mountain out of a mole hill.

Even though I still hate the idea of needles being jabbed into me, I am a lot better around them than I used to be when I was around about 9. I used to cry at the thought of needles, but thankfully I have outgrown that phase, now I just need to figure out how to remain calm for the next time I encounter needles.

My Thoughts on Thankfulness

The other day I was reading Psalm 136 and verse 1 made me ponder quite a bit. It says: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.” (NASB). This verse was a gentle reminder that I need to thank God for everything He has done in my life, too often I neglect showing Him the gratitude He deserves.

My gratitude should be more than just singing worship songs on a Sunday, my gratitude to God should be poured out to Him everyday! Often my prayers are just filled with requests, which are not bad in of themselves, but they should not be the only things that make up my prayers. My prayers should also be filled with praise, confession and THANKSGIVING!

As I mentioned before there is so much I can thank the Lord for, e.g.His mercy. How often do I thank Him for His mercy or for His gift of salvation? Probably none. Honestly that just shows how ungrateful I am, and not to mention forgetful to all God has done for me, and yet I owe Him everything for saving my soul.
Another good verse to look at regarding prayer and thankfulness is Philippians 4:6 : “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (NASB) The MacArthur Study says this,in regards to the last part of this verse, “Gratitude to God accompanies all true prayer.”

Another passage is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (NASB) The MacArthur Study Bible says, “Thanklessness is a trait of unbelievers.”

Therefore thankfulness is an important aspect of prayer, and from now on I am going to try to add thanksgiving to my prayers. But I would like to add that there is more to prayer than requests and thankfulness. In his workbook ‘Fundamentals of the Faith’, John MacArthur gives this helpful acronym identifying the four important areas of prayer (I’d also like to add that my friend Gabby reminded me of this acronym a few days ago!):
Adoration (praise)
Confession of sin
Supplication (prayer requests).

God bless

(Note: This is a blog post from 2 weeks ago that I accidentally deleted! )