April TBR


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my April TBR, here are some of the books I am hoping to definitely get to in April:

Wonder by R. J. Palacio 


A Friendly Town That’s Almost Always by the Ocean by Kir Fox and M. Shelley Coats


Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston 


Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas 


Unearthed by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner



Happy Reading,

Janelle L. C.

Life Update

Hello Everyone!

It has been a few weeks since my last post. Life has been crazy and I have even been thinking about shutting down my blog completely. However, after talking to a few people, I think I should still keep blogging, the only difference is that I won’t be posting as often as I was back in January. In fact, I might only post my monthly wrap-ups and TBRs for the next few months, mainly because I don’t have a whole lot of time to produce new content.

There are several reasons why I have to take a step back from posting regularly:

  1. I have moved twice in the last two months.
  2. School! Some of you might know that I am working on getting my Masters in Library and Information Science online. Last semester I kind of slacked off a bit on my schoolwork because I made the blog more of a priority than it should have been.
  3. Work – I have been working a lot more hours the past few months which means that I don’t have as much free time as I did before, which is great but it also means that every spare moment that I have is spent on schoolwork or hanging out with friends.
  4. Friends – I realized that in order to try and gain new followers on the blog I also neglected some of my real-life friendships and I was lonely because of it.
  5. Due to school and work, I also don’t have as much time to read as I did when I wasn’t taking school seriously. I still read, but my reading has slowed down significantly and my tastes have also been changing.
  6. Finally, although this probably should have been the first reason, I have been convicted of the fact that for most of last year I was not taking my relationship with the Lord seriously. I was complacent and stagnant and was not really growing much in my Christian walk with the Lord. Looking back now I see some of the negative effects that were a result of that and starting at the beginning of 2018 I knew I had to make some changes. I found a church that I really like, I’ve been reading my Bible consistently, and I am making more of an effort to read more Christian Living books, as well as Christian fiction (It might seem like I am boasting, I’m not, I just wanted to share some of the ways I am trying to grow as a believer in Christ). The Lord has been working in my life in some great ways and He has been showing me some things that I need to work on, e.g. some of the things I read/watch, etc.

Anyway, that is my life update and I will be back next week with my March TBR.

Happy Reading,

Janelle L. C.