First Line Fridays #54 – Cloak of Deception by James Luceno

Hello everyone,

Welcome to another installment of First Line Fridays hosted by Hoarding Books.

Cloak of Deception by James Luceno


“Luxuriating in the unfailing light of countless stars, the Trade Federation freighter Revenue lazed at the edge of Dorvalla’s veil of alabastar clouds.”

Happy Reading,

Janelle L. C.

Book Review: Solo by Kwame Alexander with Mary Rand Hess

Hello everyone,

Today’s review is on Solo by Kwame Alexander with Mary Rand Hess.

It’s not secret that I am a huge fan of novels told in verse – in fact I think there should be more of them. I don’t know why I love them so much, I think it has to do with just the format, as well as the fact that authors who do tell their stories in verse are really good at doing so. They are able to convey a story that is compelling while leaving out the baggage of description that often plagues regular prose.

Kwame Alexander and Mary Rand Hess do a great job of conveying a story in verse about Blade Rutherford, who has just graduated high school, and who’s dad is a washed up rockstar trying to make his big comeback. Blade also has a girlfriend that he adores, even though her parents don’t like him because of who his father is. However, very soon his world comes crashing down when his dad ruins graduation and checks into rehab (again), his girlfriend is cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend, and he discovers that his parents have lied to him his whole life about who he really is. In an effort to discover who he is and to get some sort of closure, Blade travels to Ghana to try and meet a woman who might have the answers he is searching for, but before he meets her, he will learn that there is a whole other way of living that the plush lifestyle he is used to.

Blade is an interesting character, because there are times when he seems like a spoiled brat, but then over the course of the novel he grows as a character and chooses to be selfless, and even see that his life is pretty comfortable compared to others around the world. In some ways, Blade is forced to check his privilege when he gets to Ghana because it is a very different place from anything else he has experienced, but it ends up being the best thing that happens to him. Not only do we see Blade trying to figure out who he is, but we also see him in some ways start to forge a bond with his father again, even though it is trepidatious since Blade believes it is all for show and that his father just cares about his big comeback.

Alexander and Hess do a great job of depicting what the search for one’s identity is, especially when they discover that everything that they thought to be true comes crashing down around them. Blade is a believable character, although he gets to go on a journey of self-discovery that many people get the opportunity to do so.

Another aspect of the novel that I liked is that it is also about music, and learning to make music again and discovering it’s magic again, even after life has dealt out several blows. One of the ways that music is weaved into the novel is that we get the lyrics for some of the songs that Blade has written. Another way is that some of the titles of the passages are popular song titles and then the poem is something in the plot that is connected to that song in some way. It also cannot be denied that a lot of the verses throughout the novel have almost a lyrical quality to them, as if the novel could be a musical of some sort, except without all the flashiness of the music.

Readers will enjoy the journey from Los Angeles to Ghana, and the beauty of the African backdrop, while also realizing that they are very blessed and fortunate. Throughout the novel, we are taught a little about the culture and the hardship that those living in Ghana experience. It even gives some commentary bout how those who go on humanitarian trips to third-world countries think they might be doing a lot of good, but sometimes they don’t do enough. For example in the novel there is a scene where a character mentions a well that was built by some missionaries, however they never taught the people on how to fix the well when it breaks, and as a result they have to go back to traveling several miles just to get water to go about their daily lives. The same character also makes a comment that these volunteers always give them what they think they want/need, but never bother to ask the people what is that they truly need – and it was definitely interesting to read about, and also not wrong!

I highly recommend Solo for anyone who is a fan of novels in verse, as well as reading a story about the search for one’s identity. I hope to read more from Kwame Alexander and Mary Rand Hess in the future. 4/5 Stars.

Happy Reading,

Janelle L. C.

Library Haul # 20

Hello everyone,

Welcome to another Library Haul. This particular haul includes some of the books that I am planning on reading for the 20 Books of Summer Challenge, as well as some other holds I’ve been waiting to come in. I also have several renewals that I am hoping to get to.

Beach Read by Emily Henry

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Bite the Biscuit by Linda O. Johnston


The Bookshop of Second Chances by Jackie Fraser

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The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan


Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas


The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur


Grown-up Pose by Sonya Lalli

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The Perfect Nanny by Leila Slimani

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Seafire by Natalie C. Parker

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A Week at the Shore by Barbara Delinsky


One Piece Vol. 27 by Eiichiro Oda

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One Piece Vol. 28 by Eiichiro Oda

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One Piece Vol. 29 by Eiichiro Oda

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File M for Murder by Miranda James


The Jasmine Moon Murder by Laura Childs

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On What Grounds by Cleo Coyle

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Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 9 by Hiromu Arakawa


Salt Houses by Hala Alyan

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Happy Reading,

Janelle L. C.

Recent Reads Vol. 7

Hello everyone,

Welcome to another issue of Recent Reads! I know I have been posting a lot of these lately, and that’s partially because during my brief hiatus I did read a lot, surprisingly, and I want to be able to share my brief thoughts on each book. I think I am almost all caught up with everything I read then.

After I had finished the first book in the series, I immediately jumped into the second book of the Tea Shop Mysteries, Gunpowder Green by Laura Childs. In this installment Theodosia Brown is serving the refreshment at a local yacht race, however a prominent member of the community dies after an unfortunate accident with the gun that is used to signal the end of the race. However, Theodosia is convinced that it was no mere accident and that someone intentionally tampered with the gun. I really enjoyed this installment, even better than the previous one. I liked how the mystery was solved, even though I had no idea who the true culprit was. I also enjoyed the explanations of the different teas and their tastes, I felt like it added to the experience even more. This is quickly becoming my favorite cozy mystery series and I plan on reading the whole series as soon as I can get my hands on each of the books.


While I was reading the abovementioned, I was also listening to Not the Killing Type by Lorna Barrett. In this installment of the Book Town Mysteries, Tricia’s sister is running against her former lover for chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, however, another member, Stan Berry throws his hat into the ring. During a brief recess before the votes commence, Tricia finds Stan’s body, but who would want to kill him? Once again, Tricia finds herself trying to find the killer, if anything but to clear her name as the village jinx. I liked this installment, except once again we had to deal with Tricia’s rampant fatphobia. She’s always critical about people who are overweight and usually makes snide remarks to Angelica or in her head. It was especially bad when she finds out that Stan was into bigger women. However, I did appreciate that Angelica seemed to call her out on it. I enjoyed the mystery and discovering who was the killer and why they did it, I just would have liked it better if Tricia was not as judgmental as she is.


After I had finished Gunpowder Green, I immediately jumped into the next book in the series, Shades of Earl Gray. Theodosia is having a great time, that is until everyone discovers that the groom is dead, and that he was murdered. And not only that but that an expensive and lavish wedding ring has gone missing. Not only is the search on for a killer, but also to protect some of Charleston’s precious jewels from being pilfered by the responsible party. Again, this was a great installment, and I loved how each person was crossed off the list to discover who the suspect is. Also, I enjoyed the methods that were used to trap them, Theodosia is a fantastic sleuth who always seems to have a great plan to solve the crime. After this installment, I had to wait to get my hands on the next two books in the series from the library, so it was a while between reading this and the next book.


My cozy mystery kick continued, and I decided this time I needed to read a more coffee-centric mystery. Enter Grounds for Murder by Tara Lush, where we follow Lana Lewis, who runs her family’s coffee shop. However, she butts heads with her barista, Fabrizio, who quits without any notice and is working for the competition. But when he is found dead in the alleyway behind her store, everyone in the small town of Devil’s Beach assume that she is responsible. She uses her skills from her days as a reporter to do her own investigating to find out who the true murderer is and why they wanted him dead. I loved this mystery, in fact I couldn’t put it down! I loved getting to know Lana, and the rest of the citizen’s of Devil’s Beach that we were introduced to. My only complaint is that I have to wait until December to read the next book in the series, but I know I will definitely be first in line to read it!


I then jumped into Live and Let Chai by Bree Baker, which is also set in a seaside town, and this time we are following iced tea shop owner, Everly Swan, who must solve the murder of a prominent town member, when he is found dead. Not only that, but a mason jar from her store is found next to him, and everyone assumes that he was poisoned by one of her teas and she loses business. However, she will also have to butt heads with the new detective in town who announced that the victim was poisoned to the whole town. This was another great cozy mystery, and I can’t wait to continue with the series just as soon as I can get the next book in the series. I loved Everly and how she is a sort of everywoman compared to some other cozy mystery sleuths. I enjoyed watching the mystery unravel and who the culprit was. Bree Baker definitely kept me on my toes while reading, but in the best way!


Happy Reading,

Janelle L. C.

Book Review: Life Inside My Mind Edited by Jessica Burkhart

Hello everyone,

Today’s review is on Life Inside My Mind edited by Jessica Burkhart

Life Inside My Mind was an interesting read because it is a collection of essays written by thirty-one authors who discuss their personal struggles with mental illness. Each author does their best to describe their particular struggles, and they don’t hold back. Each essay is very much a testimony of the realities of life with mental illness, and is a great reminder for those who do have these struggles that they are not alone. Several of the authors provide tips on what worked with them in coping with their particular struggles, others go in depth and talk about what goes through their mind when they are struggling with depression, anxiety, etc. Some of the authors that contributed to this collection include Francesca Lia Block, Melissa Marr, Maureen Johnson, Jennifer L. Armentrout and Ellen Hopkins.

I believe that this collection could be a helpful tool for two reasons, 1) it could help teens who struggle with mental illness to read from people who have had some of the same struggles and 2) it can help make other teens be more empathetic to their peers who do have to deal with anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc.

One of the main mental illnesses discussed in this collection is anxiety, and it was interesting to read how anxiety manifests differently for different people and in varying degrees. While I was aware of that it was still interesting to read from someone’s first had experience on what that is like and how they have learned to live with their anxiety, especially when they have episodes that are particularly bad.

Another mental illness that is the theme of a good chunk of these essays is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which I also did not realize can be manifested in different ways. It was also interesting to see how depression and/or anxiety are often linked to OCD.

One issue that was discussed in a couple of the essays, particularly the essays by Melissa Marr and Ellen Hopkins was PTSD, and again how different issues can contribute to PTSD. For example, Ellen Hopkins’ essay focuses on her grandson, who her and her husband adopted (along with his siblings), because their mother is a drug addict and how they had to deal with his anger issues that were a result of PTSD from growing up in the home of an addict who was neglectful and abusive, as well as being separated from his mother. She also details how that was affecting him, but also how it affected the rest of the family. Another essay that dealt with PTSD was by Melissa Marr, who was attacked twice, once in a situation where she should have been safe and how she knows that people view her fears as irrational, and how she even recognizes that to some degree but there is very little she can do except put into practice the coping mechanisms that she has come up with in order to help settle her thoughts and make her feel somewhat safe.

Overall, this was a really good read, I enjoyed reading about the different experiences with mental illnesses and even the stigma that sometimes comes along with them. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to read the first-hand experiences of individuals who have learned to live with their particular mental illnesses. 4/5 Stars.

Happy Reading,

Janelle L. C.

20 Books of Summer Challenge TBR

Hello everyone,

Welcome to another TBR, however this one is a little bit different in that instead of trying to read these books in a month long period, I am going to read them over a period of three months.

Cathy at 746 Books is hosting the 20 Books of Summer Challenge, and when I heard about it, I knew I had to participate. It is fairly straight forward, the goal is to read 20 books from June 1st – September 1st and write reviews for each of them and post them in the 93 day period. You can choose any books you want, and you don’t even have to stick to your TBR, you can switch books out as you go along. You can also decrease the number of books to 15 or 10 if you find that 20 books is too much.

This sounded like a lot of fun, and I have been working and reworking my TBR and how I wanted to go about choosing it. It took a while, but I came up with a plan…even though it was somewhat convoluted. I decided to build my TBR by using the Random sort option of Want To Read books on Goodreads – however, I had some parameters I wanted to set for myself:

  • I must own the book, or be able to get a physical copy of it from my local library.
  • If a book has been recently published or is about to be released, it has to be on order at my library (with the hopes that it gets processed in time for me to read it.)
  • Only fiction books are allowed – mainly, because I find it hard to review Non-fiction books because I find I can never do them justice.
  • I can only include one or two books over 450 pages.
  • In the event that a book is not available at the library, or it is a non-fiction, or I have already filled my two 450+ pages spots, I will choose the next entry on the list…or keep moving down the list until an “eligible” book is found.
  • After picking a book, I will refresh the page and choose the first eligible entry that shows on the list.

However, I had a fun time creating the list, and ended up picking 100 books…and there is no way I can read 100 books in three months. So I decided to put each title onto a spreadsheet and then use a number generator to decide which 20 books I would read. I also picked 5 extra books in the event that if a book is on order at the library and doesn’t come in on time, or if I DNF a book, or if I just decide I want to mix and match. Like I said, my method for creating this list was convoluted, but I did have a lot of fun doing it.

I am hoping to stick to this list throughout the summer, however, I think what I will do is reevaluate at the end of June whether I want to change things up or not, and then decide from there what I would like to do. But you’re not here to read how I chose my TBR, you’re probably here to see what it is that I decided to read, without further ado here are the 20 books I am planning on reading for the 20 Books of Summer Challenge plus the 5 books that will be in reserve for one reason or another.

  1. The 12 Brides of Summer Collection by Various Authors

2. A Week at the Shore by Barbara Delinsky


3. Grown-up Pose by Sonya Lalli

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4. Seafire by Natalie C. Parker

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5. The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan


6. The Perfect Nanny by Leila Slimani

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7. Bite the Biscuit by Linda O. Johnston


8. The Silver Needle Murder by Laura Childs

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9. As the Tide Comes In by Cindy Woodsmall and Erin Woodsmall

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10. The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur


11. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark


12. The Number of Love by Roseanna M. White


13. When You Are Near by Tracie Peterson


14. The Girl in the Tower by Katherine Arden

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15. Key Lime Pie Murder by Joanne Fluke

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16. The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez

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17. You Had Me at Hola by Alexis Daria


18. William Shakespeare’s Verily, A New Hope by Ian Doescher


19. Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell

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20. Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton

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My Five “Emergency” Books:

  1. Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders

2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson


3. Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal


4. Scones & Bones by Laura Childs

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5. The Printed Letter Bookshop by Katherine Reay

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And these are all the books (plus a few extras, just in case) that I am planning on reading for the 20 Books of Summer Challenge.

Recent Reads Vol. 6

Welcome to another installment of Recent Reads, where I share some of the books I have read recently and my brief thoughts on them.

First, during my devotional time I read Recovering the Lost Art of Reading by Leland Ryken and Glenda Faye Mathes. I picked this one up because I was intrigued by the title, and it sounded like it would be similar to another book I really enjoyed called Lit! by Tony Reinke. While there were some similarities between the two, at least in the first part of the book, I found myself getting frustrated with some of what was stated in the book concerning reading in that there are books better than others and that only reading those kinds of books can be considered practicing the art of reading. Personally, and I say this as a former English major, I find statements like these to be arrogant. Are there books that could be considered trashy? Perhaps, but there are a lot of good books out there and the definition of a good book does tend to be subjective. Did I misread some of what they were trying to convey? Maybe. But I’m also tired of people writing about how certain books are more superior than others. I think if a person enjoys reading graphic novels, it’s still reading, manga is still reading and there are some fantastic books in these categories. It is my duty to practice discernment in what I read, but other than that I do have the liberty to read what I want. The same goes for others. Sure, a cozy mystery might not have the same literary merit as a Jane Austen novel, but it is still literature and I think a lot can be learned from them. Sigh, I wanted to love this book, but I spent a good portion of it wishing I was reading a physical copy of it so I could reenact the scene from Dead Poets’ Society where Mr. Keating has his class tear out the introduction from their textbook. There is some merit to this book, and it could be beneficial to others, however I think that I am no longer the target audience for books like these. I would like to thank Crossway and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.


During my workouts, and other activities once I was hooked on the story, I listened to Sentenced to Death by Lorna Barrett. In this installment, Tricia’s close friend Deborah Black is killed while giving a speech at Founder’s Day when a plane crashes into the town square gazebo. Initially everyone thinks it’s an accident, but Tricia senses that there is something more sinister behind the crash that killed her friend and the pilot. She decides to investigate to see who might have wanted her friend dead, but is she ready to discover the not-so-good stuff about Deborah? And why does the ever encroaching Nigela Ricita Associates seem to make quick work in acquiring Deborah’s store, The Happy Domestic? Overall, this was an interesting installment in the series, the death was somewhat unique (I’m still fairly new to the cozy mystery genre) and I found the secrets that are revealed to be fascinating. However, in some ways I’m a little upset that Deborah had to die and that she had to have some sort of sordid history that no one is aware of. It was also interesting to see how people deal with grief in different ways. Once again, the killer was not who I thought it was, and it seemed to just all of sudden be that they were the suspect, but it also made sense once all the clues were revealed. Also, I am happy that Jenny gets to spread her wings a little bit and is coming into her own.

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Right after I finished listening to Sentenced to Death, I immediately jumped into Murder on the Half Shelf by Lorna Barrett. This time Tricia and Angelica are spending the night at the Sheer Comfort Inn as a practice run for the inn’s grand opening. However, when Tricia takes Angelica’s stowaway dog Sarge out for a walk in the backyard, she discovers the body of the owner, Pippa Comfort. Not only that, but she soon discovers that Pippa’s husband, Jon, is none other than her former lover, Harry Tyler, who she has believed to be dead for twenty years. However, despite his life of lies, Tricia knows that he can’t be responsible for the murders. This was another good installment in the series, although not my favorite, it seemed to be lacking something. It also seemed to be fraught with drama, especially with Tricia and some of her friends. I also was not happy with Grace’s attitude, or with her assistant who had a blatant disregard for Tricia. I was scared that something would happen to Mr. Everett’s relationship with Grace and I didn’t want it to because they are one of my favorite couples in the series. Once again the author made use of red herrings to dupe the reader into thinking they knew who the suspect was, and I was surprised who it ended up being, but I must admit, it would be nice to be able to have more indicators as to who might possibly be a little bit sooner than the third to last chapter.


Another book that I have been working through that was recommended to me is Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. While I don’t agree with everything that they discuss in this book, I did find it very helpful while I work through some stuff. The main thesis of the book is that all women just want an answer to the question, “Am I lovely?” however, instead of that question being answered, various factors have led them to doubt that they are lovely and have bruised and beaten them (whether physically or figuratively). However, while confronting the past, the authors present that there is Someone who can help us work through the healing process and is by our side – Jesus Christ. This is a very brief summary and even then I feel like I have left out some core points. I did enjoy it, and I read it at just the right time. Again, there are some things I disagree with in regards to theology, but they aren’t deal-breakers when it comes to the Gospel, and I think my disagreement to those things isn’t because it’s necessarily wrong, it’s just different from what I was taught and I’d never heard that take before, and that has caused me to think through more of why I believe what I believe, especially extrabiblical stuff. But at the same time, I felt like I was seen, and not just being told that my struggles were because I didn’t trust God enough, etc.

Since starting the BookTown Mysteries series, I have found myself addicted to cozy mysteries. A series that had caught my eye a while back was the Tea Shop Mystery series by Laura Child. I borrowed the first book Death by Darjeeling from Overdrive, and I immediately devoured it. In this first installment we follow Theodosia Browning who runs the Indigo Tea Shop in historic Charleston. She has the opportunity to serve tea at a garden party at one of the historic homes, however, things take a turn when one of the guests suddenly dies clutching a teacup, and everybody suspects that one of Theo’s teas is responsible. However, Theodosia is not just on a mission to convince her patrons that her tea is safe to drink, but to catch the killer. I really enjoyed Death by Darjeeling, it was a strong start to a long mystery series. I enjoyed getting to know Theodosia and her employees, as well as some of their regulars. I also liked there was some explanation about the different teas that make an appearance throughout the book. I am looking forward to continue reading this series, hopefully I will eventually catch up to the latest book.


Happy Reading,

Janelle L. C.

The Elnora Monet Blog Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Book: The Elnora Monet

Author: Rachel Skatvold

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Release date: April 27, 2021

Islanders call him the Elnora Monet.

Is that island speak for “pompous, arrogant jerk?”

When Carly Mulligan volunteered to make house calls on Elnora, she never imagined treating the richest cat on the islands. What other feline has his own wing in a mansion like the Belshaw Estate?

After a wrong turn in the mansion, Carly stumbles across a secret room—one filled with incredible paintings. Perhaps there’s something more to the man than she first thought.

Most people envy Jean-Luc Belshaw’s position. The heir to a lucrative business and family fortune, he should have everything he could dream of.

But Luc dreams of days past. Days when he traveled the world with his wife and painted the breathings of his soul disappeared with Angeline’s passing. Faith and inspiration gone, he wonders if returning to France to take his place in his father’s business is the right thing to do.

Carly has a few relational demons of her own, and she’s reluctant to trust him, but Luc’s paintings draw her in even as his story touches a long-empty place in her heart.

Only God can transform two broken pasts into a work of art.

The Elnora Monet continues the Elnora Island romances of the Independence Islands Series featuring five islands, six authors, and a boatload of happily-ever-afters.
The Independence Islands Series: beach reads aren’t just for summer anymore


Click here to get your copy!

My Thoughts

I really liked The Elnora Monet and how, while on the surface it is a romance, it also deals with topics such as redemption, learning live and love again, as well as trying to not let regret over the past hold you back. 

I enjoyed revisiting Carly, and learning more of her story and getting to be in her head this time, I also loved seeing how she is trying learn from her mistakes that she made in the past, as well as trying to move past them. I also liked how she did not allow herself to be bullied by Jean-Luc at first, and stood up to him despite the fact that he is wealthy. Jean-Luc was a great character, and even though he comes across as gruff when we first meet him, he becomes more three-dimensional over the course of the novel, especially as we discover that he is dealing with grief over his wife, as well as his inability to do the very thing he loves, painting. And I enjoyed watching the relationship between the two of them blossom over the course of the novel. 

Another aspect of the novel that I liked was how it took the trope of a wealthy character falling for someone in the middle/working class and added more dimension to it and in some ways turned it on its head. Overall, I really liked The Elnora Monet, and if you are looking for a nice, clean, sweet romance for the summer, it is definitely one you should consider!

About the Author

Rachel Skatvold is a Christian author and stay-at-home mom from the Midwest. She enjoys writing inspirational romance and encouraging blogs. Rachel completed her first series, the Riley Family Legacy Novellas in 2014 and is now working on the Hart Ranch Series, set in the Montana wilderness and the Ladies of Ardena Series, set in medieval times. She is also a contributing author in the Whispers in Wyoming and Brides of Pelican Rapids Series. Other than writing, some of her hobbies include singing, reading and camping in the great outdoors with her husband and two young sons. You can find more information about Rachel and her books on her website:


More from Rachel

Thank you for helping celebrate the release of The Elnora Monet by following this Celebration Tour hosted by Celebrate Lit. I hope you enjoy learning a little more about the characters and what inspired the story. Please follow the other stops on this tour and don’t forget to enter in the giveaway. Thank you!

It has been a wonderful experience working with the talented authors and editors in the Independence Islands Series. Each of these stories has a heartwarming message of faith and the characters always teach me something new. Ever since writing Kendall Mulligan’s story in Her Merriweather Hero, I’ve been excited to share her free-spirited younger sister’s story.

Carly had many struggles in the first book, questioning what purpose God had for her life. This time around, her feet are more grounded, but she still has some growing to do when it comes to faith. Carly has been a fun character to write about because of her witty extroverted personality and some of the humorous predicaments she ends up in…one of them including getting caught snooping around a billionaire’s mansion.

While not outspoken as Carly, I can relate to the character’s search for direction. Sometimes it is difficult learning to trust, especially during troubling times, but we can rely on God’s promises. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; don’t rely on your own intelligence. Know him in all your paths, and he will keep your ways straight.” This verse means so much to me because I know even when I can’t understand something, He is behind the scenes guiding me in the right direction. For Carly, it leads in a direction she never expects, but it is worth it in the end.

Certain parts of the story were inspired by my mom. If you have read Her Merriweather Hero, you know the Mulligan sisters are originally from New England, close to where my mom grew up. I love hearing about her memories of spending time at Nantasket Beach, drinking orange pop, and putting chips in her sandwich so they wouldn’t blow away. Even though I grew up in the Midwest, I still put chips in my own sandwich because of watching her do the same thing and her fridge is always stocked with orange pop to this day. Little bits of my mom’s childhood are weaved into this story, making it close to my heart.

I hope you have enjoyed learning a little more about characters and story behind The Elnora Monet. Now continue reading for a summary of the book and giveaway. Blessings!

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 10

Lakesidelivingsite, May 10

Rebekah Reads Lit, May 10

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 11

The Meanderings of a Bookworm, May 11

She Lives to Read, May 12

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, May 12

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 13

deb’s Book Review, May 13

Texas Book-aholic, May 14

Mypreciousbitsandmusings, May 14

Inklings and notions, May 15

CarpeDiem, May 15

For Him and My Family, May 16

Cultivating Us, May 16

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 17

Books and Everyday Live, May 17

Blossoms and Blessings, May 17

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, May 18

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, May 18

Lots of Helpers, May 19

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, May 19

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, May 20

Blogging With Carol , May 20

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 21

Godly Book Reviews, May 21

Kayem Reads, May 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 22

Connect in Fiction, May 22

Splashes of Joy, May 23

Simple Harvest Reads, May 23 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)



To celebrate her tour, Rachel is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.