What I Read in May 2016

May ended up being a better reading month than I thought it would, especially in the middle of the month when I almost went into a reading slump and then I started reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (which is almost 900 pages long!). But I read some good books this month, and here they are:

1. Sweet on You by Chautona Havig

I really enjoyed this novel. It kind of shows the beginnings of an amateur sleuth. If you enjoyed reading Nancy Drew growing up, you will enjoy this series, although it is very different from other books. To read more of my thoughts click here to read a longer review I did earlier this month. 4/5 Stars.

2. One More Wish by Robin Jones Gunn

I have been wanting to read this book for over a year, and I finally got around to it. It was everything I expected, however there were a few things that bugged me about this book. I will have a longer review up soon. 3.5/5 Stars

3. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

I loved this book! There were a few things that made me feel a little bit uncomfortable, but I still loved it. I can’t wait to pick up A Court of Mist and Fury soon. 4/5 Stars

4. The Blessings of Humility by Jerry Bridges 

I received a copy of this for review, and I really enjoyed it. It is the second book by the author that I have read and it was both grounded in Scripture, as well as convicting in all the right places. 4.5/5 Stars

5. True Beauty by Carolyn Mahaney and Nicole Whitacre 

I enjoyed rereading this book! It is jam-packed with truth that women need to hear. 4/5 Stars

6. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling

This book is a monster, but I finished it. This was another great installment in the Harry Potter series, and I can’t wait to read the last 2 books in the series, although I kind of don’t want to at the same time because I don’t want to finish it. 4/5 Stars.

7. Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard 

I struggled to get through this book, mainly because the first half was uneventful – nothing happened. However, when I picked it up again the action started to pick-up and I am looking forward to the third book in this series. I will have a longer review up soon. 3.25/5 Stars.

8. The BFG by Roald Dahl 

I reread this for two reasons, 1) I am planning on doing a series of reviews on Children’s fiction, and this was an old favorite, and 2) the movie is coming out in July so I wanted to refresh my memory on the whole story. I will have a longer review up in about two weeks.

9. Lullaby by Amanda Hocking

This was the second book in a series and it is about sirens. It was an okay read, and I will be reading the last two books in the series soon. I might have a longer review up in a few weeks as well. 3/5 Stars.

10. Changeling by Philippa Gregory

I just finished this book and it was an okay read. The story itself was okay, but I was expecting a lot more from it. I will have a longer review up soon. 3/5 Stars

These are all the books I read this month. Stay tuned for my June TBR, which should be posted later today or tomorrow.

Happy Reading,
Janelle L. C.

P.S. If you have any book recommendations let me know and I will check them out! 🙂

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