Home on Huckleberry Hill Promo Blast

Hello everyone,

Today I’m bringing you a promo blast for Home on Huckleberry Hill by Jennifer Beckstrand.


About the Book

Huckleberry Hill, Wisconsin’s irrepressible eighty-something matchmakers Anna and Felty Helmuth are at it again. And this time they’re willing to rough it to get the job done . . .
Mary Anne Neuenschwander knows she should be content with what Gotte has given her. She has a comfortable house, a fruitful farm, and a good, steady husband. But after nearly six years of marriage, she still longs for a baby. Yet her husband, Jethro, seems to care more about fishing than about his wife. Unable to bear Jethro’s indifference, Mary Anne moves into a tent in the woods where he won’t have to be bothered. But when her mammi and dawdi find out what she’s done, they’ll stop at nothing—including a little camping trip of their own—to help save their granddaughter’s marriage . . .

Jethro’s greatest blessing is his beloved wife, Mary Anne. Nothing else in his life has turned out anywhere near the way he expected. Rather than burden Mary Anne with his disappointment, he shields her by spending less and less time at home and more time on the river. But when he finds that she’s moved out, he’s shocked. What will people think? What is Mary Anne thinking? And what clever plans are her grandparents hatching?

Click here to purhase your copy of Home on Huckleberry Hill. 

My Thoughts

I enjoyed  Home on Huckleberry Hill,  it was a different kind of  love story in that it shows an already married couple who seem to be indifferent to each other and wondering whether the sparks of love will ever return. And to add to the complications they are Amish, which have some strict rules about a wife’s role in the marriage.

I liked watching Mary Anne and how she takes a stand against her husband’s indifference, as well as expectations, of her. While the measures she takes are drastic, it is also clear that ut us a step she needed to get back to the woman she used to be, as well as showing Jethor how much pain his indifference has caused her … to the point that she questins whether she loves him anymore.

I found it interesting that the bishop that Jethro brings out to talk to Mary Anne seems to understand why she is doing what she is doing. However, Jethro is annoying when he refuses to admit his own fault in everything that is going on. It was interesting that the reason the community was in an uproar is because people did not want other wives to become disconted with their lives and get ideas.

I also enjoyed seeing Mary Anne’s grandparents showing their support as well as gelping Mary Anne and Jethor work through their issues. I also liked watching Jethro grow as a character, especially when he realizes that he is just as at fault for his struggling marriage, as Mary Anne is and does everything he can to win her heart again.

This novel shows the importance of good communication, and not taking your spouse for granted, as well as being allowed to work through grief properly after a traumatic event. Home on Huckleberry Hill is a light read, but it also covers a few heavy topics throughout. I am definitely looking forward to checking out more of the books in this series! 4/5 Stars.

About the Author


Jennifer Beckstrand is the two-time RITA-nominated, #1 Amazon bestselling Amish romance author of The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill series, The Honeybee Sisters series, and The Petersheim Brothers series for Kensington Books. Huckleberry Summer and Home on Huckleberry Hill were both nominated for the coveted RITA® Award from Romance Writers of America. Jennifer has always been drawn to the strong faith and the enduring family ties of the Plain people and loves writing about the antics of Anna and Felty Helmuth, the Honeybee sisters’ aendi Bitsy, and Alfie and Benji Petersheim. Jennifer has written twenty-two Amish romances, a historical Western, and the nonfiction book, Big Ideas. Jennifer is represented by Nicole Resciniti of the Seymour Agency. She and her husband have been married for thirty-five years, and she has six children and eight adorable grandchildren, whom she spoils rotten.

Links to Jennifer Beckstrand’s Social Media

Website: http://www.jenniferbeckstrand.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jenniferbeckstrandfans

Twitter: @JenniferBeckst1

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jennifergbeckst/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jennifer-Beckstrand/e/B0073GHCOG/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1488910908&sr=8-2-ent

Instagram: j.beckstrand

Bookbub: @JenniferBeckstrand https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jennifer-beckstrand


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