November Hopefuls (A TBR of Sorts)

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my November TBR/ Hopefuls. I really don’t know how many books I’ll be able to get to this month, because I just started working full-time and as a result do not have as much time to read. But I thought I would share a few of the books I am hoping to get to this month, however, whether that will actually happen remains to be seen.

Ship Wrecked by Olivia Dade

I read Spoiler Alert and All the Feels earlier this year and loved them both, and ever since I read the synopsis for Ship Wrecked I have been eagerly waiting for it’s release. Also, I did pre-order it, so as soon as I get it I plan on reading this. Not only does it have plus-sized female character, but also a plus-sized male character and I am here for it!

The Heart of the Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan

I fell in love with Daughter of the Moon Goddess in September, and shortly after starting it, I also placed a pre-order for the sequel. I don’t know too much about it, and I want to keep it that way! But I am ready to immerse myself in the Celestial Kingdom again.

Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee

I picked this up on my recent trip to visit my close friend Allison in Colorado. I remember it got a lot of buzz back when it came out and I am very curious to pick it up. It follows an aspiring filmmaker who makes a web show based on Anna Karenina (does anyone else remember when those were a thing on YouTube? I miss them!), that takes off.

Station Eleven by Emily John St. Mandel

This is one of the few books that I still need to read for my 22 Books to read in 2022. I’ve heard really great things about it. I know it follows a troupe of actors before and after a pandemic and how their lives and the world has changed.

One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London

I have been meaning to read One to Watch for a few years, but for whatever reason kept putting it off. I love the concept and I think I will love it. It is about Bea who enjoys a Bachelorette-like show but is disgusted by the lack of diversity, especially when it comes to size. She then ends up becoming the first plus-sized “bachelorette” on the show and out of her comfort zone.

These are all the November hopefuls. We shall see if I get to them!

Happy Reading,

Janelle L. C.

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