Book Review: A Step of Faith by Richard Paul Evans

Hello Everyone,

Today’s review is on A Step of Faith by Richard Paul Evans.


Following the New York Times bestseller The Road to Grace, Richard Paul Evans’s hero Alan Christoffersen faces a life-changing crisis on his journey to grace.

After the death of his beloved wife, after the loss of his advertising business to his once-trusted partner, after bankruptcy forced him from his home, Alan Christoffersen is a broken man. Leaving everything he knows, he sets out on an extraordinary cross-country journey; with only the pack on his back, he is walking from Seattle to Key West—the end of the map.

Along the way, Alan begins to heal, meeting people who teach him lessons about love, sacrifice, and forgiveness. But in St. Louis, Alan faces another life-changing crisis, and now the journey is in jeopardy.

My Thoughts:

A Step of Faith is probably my least favorite installment in the series, but it is still good. However, the books are kind of formulaic in that something is always happening to Alan that takes him away from his walk and then he goes back to it. This time he has a brain tumor that has to be removed and he is forced to move in with his dad during this time. I also didn’t like that he finds himself in a love triangle of sort between Falene and Nicole. I also found found Falene’s actions to be somewhat childish, although I guess it makes sense since she has experienced so much trauma in her life.

I did like that Alan starts to think more about what life has in store for him when he completes his walk, or rather how he wants to live.

I found the chapters about that cult – AhnEl – to be disturbing and uncomfortable, which I guess was the point of having it in the novel, and in some ways adds unexpected layer of grit to the story.

Overall, A Step of Faith was okay. I see it’s purpose in the overarching plot, and I loved reading about the different small towns Alan goes through. But it also seemed to drag on at times, and I personally see it as the weakest installment in the series. 4/5 Stars.

Happy Reading,

Janelle L. C.

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